Thursday 10 May 2012

Bad Ethics..or Just Tacky?

This week we learnt all about ethics - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It came as quite a surprise to me that there's more to ethics than just right and wrong. Something can be ethical, but just made with bad taste. It seems there's a fine line between unethical and bad taste. We were shown a series of advertisements during the lecture, and asked where we thought each belonged in the table of good taste, ethical, bad taste, and unethical. Most images I guessed were unethical. However, they were actually considered purely bad taste.

After we were given explanations of ways to tell, I began to understand how to spot the difference.
In the world of communication we follow Deontology. This is the rules, principles, and duties.
Basically, we do the right thing by following the rules.

When it is put into one straight forward sentence, it is pretty easy to understand. Ethics, just like anything else, has a code of rules. Here are just a few:
  • MEAA
  • PRIA
  • AFA
  • AANA
The following is an advertisement we were asked to analyse during the lecture. I won't tell you which category it falls into: what do you think?

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