Wednesday 14 March 2012

First Attempt Blogging...


Seeing everybody else's blogs with their sweet photography and gorgeous layouts makes me very apprehensive to create mine... As you'll probably notice over the next few weeks I'm not the head of an IT team anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I'm a facebook fanatic (so are you, don't deny it), but I prefer to use my FB app on my phone and search only google when I'm in need of info.

I didn't update my iPhone for a year because I thought that would mean I would lose all of my content. I was too worried that if I added songs to my iTunes on my phone it would somehow delete all of my songs off my iPod. Not that it would be a bad thing, I haven't added a song to my ipod for over a year now, and I'm sure there's still traces of Anthony Callea's stardom hidden somewhere in my playlist. Before frowning at the obvious distaste, please remember how "hot" we used to think he was (until we found out he didn't swing our way and we all voted for Casy Donavon instead).

Never fear, after my roommate's persistance I have finally updated my iPhone AND cleared all of my old songs off my iTunes. It was a tough day; I must have asked at least 12 times, "Are you SURE you know what you're doing?" I didn't want all of my texts cleared - what if one day I have 6 hours to spare and can re-read my messages all the way back to the very first one I ever sent? "Hey everyone, it's Melissa. This is my new number." What if I couldn't re-read that??? Hmm, I obviously need a life.

Maybe not a 'life' (I would like to think I engage in enough social activity to not spend a spare 6 hours reading text messages..) but a lifepath. To know where I'm going and making it happen. So you can imagine my.. er.. excitement when in my very first lecture at the beginning of this new lifepath, I was told of our first assessment piece. Blogging? And twitter? YAY.........Welcome to the world of social media, it's probably time I stepped up and realised there's no such thing as pen and paper anymore where good journalism is involved.

That's basically all we went through in the first lecture. I think if any further information was thrown at me I may have frantically started searching for people around me who looked just as confused and demanded we take a stand for the legacy of old media. I know, I sound like an 80 year old who refuses to get her cyclone updates from the news and instead watches the windmill to see how quickly we will be blown away.

I walked into lecture 2 expecting everything to be completely above my technological knowledge. However, thankfully, I understood and enjoyed all of it. We learned of 'Web Iterations' and how they've progressed throughout the years. Before the internet was our one-stop-shop for anything from what's good to eat in Toowong to how can I get to where I need to go, there was Web 2.0.

Talking about Web 2.0 reminded me of when we first got the internet at our house. Making the most of the 3 hour dial-up before it ran out because you couldn't sneak back on, not with the screeching dial up that would have you caught out everytime. Even though you only got about an hour actual internet time - the rest was staring at a blank screen waiting 10 minutes to load each page.

I guess I'm thankful that we now have Web 3.0 as a reliable source for everything and anything. Can you imagine attempting to facebook stalk with dial up??? Don't worry, the thought terrifies me as well. As much as I like to think I haven't conformed to IT this and IT that, social media definitely allows quicker, easier access for 'right here, right now'.

I know this is a mammoth first post but I did start a little late and had quite a bit to put in here!

Until next time (when hopefully I've worked out how to make an appealing looking page)


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