Sunday 10 June 2012

Today's Agenda

Wow, the lecture on Agenda Setting was a lot to take in. I think if I touched on everything I learnt, I would be here for a very long time.

Ah, quoting the wise words of Redman. I do agree, though. Although the lecture was jam-packed of bits and pieces which all combine to create agenda setting, the theory is quite obvious.

The media plays a large role in 'construcing' or 'mediating' the social world.

NO WAY??!!

Yeah, exactly. However, we covered the different ways it does.

There are 4 agendas. These are
  1. Public Agenda - topics percieved by the public as important
  2. Policy Agenda - issues decision makers think are salient
  3. Corporate Agenda - issues big business and corporations consider important
  4. Media Agenda - issues discussed in the media
Obviously, public agenda is my type. I guess that's why the media spends so much time covering celebrities. It's obvious gossip magazines are what this is for (cannot waittt to read the Cosmo I bought today) but news, really? I like to switch on the news, ready to stimulate my brain cells full of new facts I can mention to people the next day and look so totally with-it. So I become very shocked when I see PARIS HILTON arriving in Australia all over the news. I love celebrity gossip just as much as the next person, but let's face it - Paris Hilton doesn't deserve my stimulating brain cells.
But, if Paris Hilton strutting her stuff through the Sydney Airport is what the viewers what, it's what they'll get.

“Agenda setting is the process of the mass media presenting certain issues frequently and prominently with the result that large segments of the public come to perceive those issues as more important than others. Simply put, the more coverage an issue receives, the more important it is to people.” Coleman, McCombs, Shaw, Weaver, I couldn't have said it better myself. The amount of times I have heard something and let it pass straight over me, to then find myself chatting about the new updates I heard today, are never-ending.
And this is with filtered news. Can you imagine if we were told every single thing that was perceived as interesting? I definitely could not keep up with that.
Until next time.

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